It takes 1-2 business days (M-F) before your order finds itself at the post office. For orders placed late in the week, they may not be shipped out until early the following week.
Domestic Shipping
For those who have selected the "Free" shipping option, you will see a line item called "Delivery" at checkout. It will suggest 3-4 business days for shipping. Please note, this timeline does not include order processing.
International Shipping
We offer international shipping through USPS First Class International. Delivery dates and postage rates vary by country.
USPS can no longer accept or deliver international mail to several countries due to COVID-19 service impacts. See all countries with temporary service and guaranteed-delivery suspensions.
Please note that our USPS First Class International Shipping option does not include tracking information to all countries once it leaves the United States.
Tracking is available for the following countries:
Will I be charged customs & import taxes?
International Customers: Sometimes your order may be charged an additional customs fee or import tax. If applicable, these fees are determined by your local government and/or postal service, not Spoonie Threads. You are ultimately responsible for paying these fees, and unpaid fees may incur delivery delays. If you have any questions, send us an email at
Tracking Your Order
Your tracking number will be sent via email once we've processed and shipped your order. Processing time may vary slightly, depending on the product(s) ordered. Please note that tracking numbers may take 24-48 hours after shipment to appear in the system.
If you need to update your shipping address, please let us know immediately. Once we have sent you the tracking number for the order, we can no longer update the address.
We are not responsible for errors in the shipping address, if the information was incorrectly entered at purchase. Please double check your details so we can ensure your products find their way to you.
All of our order deliveries are carbon neutral. We’re sourcing offsets from the Acapa – Bajo Mira y Frontera Forest Conservation Project in Colombia through Pachama to counteract the emissions from shipping every order.
ROUTE is the real-time tracking, shipment protection, product discovery app used by more than 10,000 merchants and millions of shoppers. Route also covers costs to neutralize shipping through a reforestation project in Brazil.
ROUTE package protection provides assurance you’ll be covered in case your order gets lost, damaged, or stolen in transit. Route also provides shipping notifications that give you real-time status updates on any delivery! Connect Route to any email account, and magically watch your orders make their way to your doorstep.